March 2, 2015
March 2nd NCWorks Commission Recap

The NCWorks Commission meeting was held on March 2nd, a postponement from the original February date.

Will Collins, Executive Director for NCWorks gave an update to what is happening with NCWorks around the state. We spoke briefly of the success of the 1000/100 initiative and that Tammy Childers with Eastern Carolina WDB would give a presentation on the success. He also mentioned that a new Senate Workforce Committee had been formed within the General Assembly and that he and his staff would be meeting with them this week to give them an overview of Workforce Development.

Dr. Scott Ralls, President of the NC Community College System, and Dr. June Akinson, State Superintendent, N.C. Department of Public Instruction, both gave an update to happenings around the state.

The 2014-16 Strategic Plan was introduced by Kip Blakely and adopted by the Commission.

The Performance Measures task group, lead by Paul Combs, gave a report, followed by results of performance of the Apprenticeship Program by Catherine Moga Bryant.

Tammy Childers, Executive Director of Eastern Carolina WDB, and Bobby Merritt, Director of Workforce Development & Industry Training at Lenior Community College, gave a presentation on the 1000/100 initiative performed around the state. In spite of all the other initiatives that we also going on within NCWorks at the time of the start of this program, she indicated that there was much enthusiasm and momentum to get started. This was a very collaborative approach and all parties that participated worked well together, and was very collaborative.

According to some preliminary findings that her group found, most businesses indicated that they were stable and growing. Many indicated that they indeed find employees that they are searching for. However, there are still skills gaps, both technical and soft skills. There is also still confusion of who NCWorks is, and all the agencies that make up the system. She indicated that the community still needs to be educated and the that a consistency of NCWorks brand must be promoted.

The Commission meeting concluded presentations of Certification of NCWorks Career Centers by Chair Korey Coon. These Certifications were awarded to Centers in various areas managed by Cape Fear Workforce Development Board, Charlotte Works, Lumber River Workforce Development Board, East Carolina Workforce Development Board, and Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board.


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